As the co-founder and chief executive of Tesla Motors, the technology billionaire Elon Musk has consistently portrayed his company’s electric cars as cleaner, safer and more innovative than models made by other automakers.
His confidence in Tesla’s technology has seemed boundless, particularly when the company announced last year that it would equip its flagship Model S sedans with a self-driving feature called Autopilot that was still in its testing phase. The technology was so out in front of federal highway regulations that there were no rules against it.
But with the revelation this week that a Model S driver in Florida was killed in May while operating his car in self-driving mode, Mr. Musk’s determination to push limits has hit its most formidable roadblock.
The question now is how much longer Mr. Musk and Tesla can continue to defy auto industry convention in trying to stay so far ahead of the competition. A major point of contention is the Autopilot feature and the decision to make it available to car owners while it was in “beta test” mode — a term typically applied to software that a company releases on an experimental basis.
“I can’t think of another example of anything like this delivered in a beta phase in the automotive world,” said Ron Montoya, an analyst with the auto research firm Edmunds.com. “Everything is tested up and down before it comes out.”
Even some Tesla owners, many of whom can be cultishly devoted to the brand, now question whether the self-driving technology is as safe as advertised.
“It gives you a false sense of security,” said Pete Cordaro, a Model S owner who used Autopilot in a loaner when his Tesla vehicle was being repaired. “You get comfortable and think you can take your hands off the wheel, but you really can’t.”
The death in May of Joshua Brown, 40, of Canton, Ohio, was the first known fatality in a vehicle being operated by computer systems.
Auto industry executives and analysts wondered aloud on Friday whether Tesla had miscalculated by introducing a self-driving feature that was perhaps not ready to live up to Mr. Musk’s pronouncements. In April, he told a conference in Norway, “The probability of having an accident is 50 percent lower if you have Autopilot on.”
Tesla declined to comment on Friday, but critics were not so reticent.
“They’ve always had this attitude of invincibility, and perhaps promising more than their cars can deliver,” said Joseph Phillippi, president of the consulting firm AutoTrends. “But what can they say about a self-driving car that drove straight into a tractor-trailer?”

After minor recalls on Tesla cars this year, the company’s quality controls were already being called into question, as was Mr. Musk’s ability to adequately oversee Tesla while pursuing other grand plans that include a proposal two weeks ago to merge the company with his solar energy company, SolarCity.
Other automakers and technology companies at work on self-driving vehicles that are years away from the commercial market expressed concerns that the Florida death could cast a pall over their field — and prompt federal regulators to rush to write restrictive rules on the technology before any of their cars take to the road. Executives at the rival companies declined to comment publicly.
But Mr. Phillippi, of AutoTrends, noted that most car companies had already tempered expectations and predicted a conservative timetable for the availability of self-driving vehicles.
“You talk to the traditional automakers, and they say we are five years away from being able to let go of the wheel and the car will drive itself,” he said. “It may be time for Mr. Musk to back off, too.”
With a federal investigation underway, Tesla has declined to respond to many questions about the Florida crash, including why it did not make details of the accident public for nearly two months — and then not until regulators announced their inquiry.
In addition, Tesla did not respond to emails on Friday about when the company would disclose more information about the accident, or about any plans for possibly alerting vehicle owners about the dangers of misusing the Autopilot feature.
A spokesman for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Bryan Thomas, declined to say why the agency waited until late June to begin a formal inquiry into an accident that happened in May, or why the agency did not require Tesla to notify owners about a possible problem.
While the investigation into the accident is just beginning, the repercussions could be profound for Tesla.
The company has been preparing to sharply increase its manufacturing production for the introduction next year of its less expensive Model 3 sedan, which already has a long waiting list of customers who have preordered the vehicles. At the same time, Mr. Musk is trying to engineer the merger between Tesla and SolarCity and complete a new factory under construction in Nevada that will produce batteries meant to provide energy storage both for cars and households.
In the past, Mr. Musk has been able to move quickly past issues related to Tesla’s quality and safety, such as when the company modified its cars to prevent batteries from catching fire in high-speed collisions.
But the company has been vague about whether the Florida accident was the result of a defect in the self-driving system, or the result of a driver who neglected to use it correctly.
For now, Tesla continues to characterize the system as a safety improvement.
“When used in conjunction with driver oversight, the data is unequivocal that Autopilot reduces driver workload and results in a statistically significant improvement in safety when compared to purely manual driving,” the company said in a news release discussing the Florida crash.
That type of response is not unusual for Mr. Musk, who tends to attack suggestions that Tesla has ever fallen short of its goals.
“This company is very personal to Elon Musk and he is very passionate and protective of it,” said Mr. Montoya of Edmunds.com. “But when anything goes wrong, he becomes very defensive.”
Regulators are now proceeding with the next step in their investigation by preparing to make an official “information request” for Tesla to provide more details on the accident and the self-driving equipment in the vehicle.
Mr. Thomas, the spokesman for the federal safety agency, declined to say how long the process might take.
Mr. Musk has recently been publicly drumming up support for Tesla’s proposed merger with SolarCity, while continuing his role as Tesla’s chief cheerleader.
On May 31, for example, he spent more than three hours dissecting Tesla’s history and outlining its future before an overflow crowd of shareholders at the company’s annual meeting.
Over the course of the meeting, he talked extensively about setting new industry standards for manufacturing at Tesla’s California plant, and building the world’s biggest battery factory in the Nevada desert.
When asked by one Tesla owner about whether he expected to keep adding new technology to the Model S, Mr. Musk responded as if that was a foregone conclusion. “We are always going to keep improving the product,” he said.
But what he did not mention at all was the Florida accident, which had occurred three weeks earlier.
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