Yes, we've officially reached Mid-Season Lull. This wasn't a terrible episode – the Hound is back ! – but The Broken Man was nonetheless Game of Thrones at its most cautious and meandering.
Pieces were manoeuvred on the chessboard, a fuse was lit for conflagrations to come, a random topless prostitute chucked in for old time’s sake. Once again there was a sense Game of Thrones was steeling itself for battles – and expensive set-pieces – chugging down the track. A storm is brewing – for now, we were invited to enjoy what remains of the calm.
The Hound returns!
What strange sorcery was this – a cold opening? Amid the endless beheadings, betrayals and nudity, we have always been able to count on Game of Thrones kicking off with the anthemic swell of Ramin Djawadi’s theme. However, the Broken Man earned its departure from convention by giving us…the Hound! Left for dead by Arya at the end of series four, Sandor Clegane lived – and, more than that, was fully-signed up to a sack-cloth favouring peace cult. It has been a surprise-packed season yet, even by the standards of recent reveals, here was an upset to savour. Who wants to be the one to tell Arya?
Speaking of Arya…is the Stark princess about to be killed off?

This deep into Game of Thrones it's increasingly straightforward to predict which characters are crucial to the final resolution of George RR Martin’s bittersweet epic. Arya is clearly meant to see the thing through and, riveting though it was to watch to watch her ambushed by the Waif, it's hard to feel the Stark princess is in genuine danger. Yes, she's been knifed and almost drowned – but it is going to take more than a stabby-stabby encounter with the Faceless Men to scrub Arya from the picture. You wonder why the show is even pretending that her survival is in question.
Ian McShane was the perfect Game of Thrones tragic hero.
The craggy veteran caused a stir earlier in the year when he dismissed Game of Thrones as "tits and dragons" (not inaccurate yet missing the point slightly). But he was perfect as the short-lived peacenik preacher who had taken the Hound under his wing. Admittedly viewers of a certain age will have felt they had stumbled upon that episode of Lovejoy where McShane solves a murder among a club of medieval recreationists (the mullet lives!).
For the rest, he was a unique prospect – a spiritual leader who did not claim to have all the answers. Of course, this man of the cloth was in the end hung from a post by the Brotherhood Without Banners, his flock cruelly cut down – which rather took away from his hippy-dippy message. How frustrating, moreover, that our introduction to McShane should be a farewell too.
The Jaime-Bronn bromance is back on
The Kingslayer was wasted mooching around King's Landing whispering icky nothings to Cersei. Leading the siege against the Blackfish, Jaime was in his element and, presumably chuffed to be back in his cool armour, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau chewed on the material with relish. With trusty sellsword Bronn at his back Jaime cut a deliciously antiheroic figure, especially in his face-off with the rebellious Lord Tully. With the truly riveting action unfolding south of the Wall and at King’s Landing, the Riverlands storyline looks like one massive placeholder on the part of show-runners David Benioff and DB Weiss. Thank goodness Jaime-Bronn (Jronn? Baime?) are on hand to make it all watchable.
Margaery is faking it to make it
Natalie Dormer continues to excel as the elusive Margaery, the scheming queen ostensibly reborn as an acolyte of the High Sparrow. Viewers of the opinion that her conversion was a ruse were vindicated as she slipped a confirmatory note to her aunt, Lady Olenna. It was meanwhile heartening to learn that Margaery was exploiting her pretend religiosity to wriggle out of wifely duties with boy-husband Tommen (prompting a toe-curling “is everything alright in the bedroom department?” intervention from the High Sparrow). One of the emerging themes of the season is brutalised women taking ownership of their destiny. In her own subtle way Margaery is seizing control of her fate as surely as Sansa and Arya.
Watch out Ramsay, the Wildlings are coming.
With Brienne no longer around as dreamy distraction, Tormund Giantsbane had his head back in the game and was persuading his fellow Wildlings to march with Jon Snow against House Bolton. This was heady stuff, a sequence that could have felt perfunctory given real dramatic weight. "Snooow" grunted Wun Wun the giant as he proclaimed his allegiance – the best monosyllabic dialogue since (sob) Hodor's speech in episode five. We met Ser Jorah’s extended family.
There was a great scene as Jon and Sansa pleaded with the preteen head of House Mormont to ally against Ramsay. She correctly pointed out that neither Jon (a bastard) or Sansa (technically Mrs Ramsay Bolton ) were Starks. It was a moment for Ser Davos to shine and persuade House Mormont to come on board – if not for the good of the Starks, then to protect the North against the looming White Walker threat. But.. but… what of family blacksheep Ser Jorah you shouted at the screen? Had he sent word regarding his ongoing research into the incurable Greyscale? Were he and Daenerys in a long-distance relationship now? Hang Jon Snow’s leadership woes – these were the questions that really needed answering.
Jon Snow's recruitment drive isn't going to plan

"Where was King Robb when the Ironborn attacked this castle," asked the head of House Glover. "I served House Stark once but House Stark is dead.” Once again Game of Thrones reminded us of the great, grim truth underpinning the series. Heroic deeds are good only for songs and boozy reminiscing. It's what happens next that really counts. Jon Snow died and returned, Sansa had survived Ramsay's depredations. Yet here they were, begging the houses of the North to come to their side only to be rebuffed at every turn. After overcoming impossible odds, might it be the small details that prove their undoing? How very Game of Thrones that would be.
Yara and Theon's plan is crazy - but it just might work
You don't have to be original to win the game of thrones - just quick and ruthless So we learned as we caught up with Yara and Theon in an excruciating brothel scene that mostly consisted of Theon pulling faces as he remembered Ramsay had made sausage meat of his genitals (possibly literally). They'd borrowed murderous uncle Euron Greyjoy's plan of striking up an alliance with Daenerys across the Narrow Sea – she would get the boats she needed to bring the Dothraki to Westeros, they would have the use of her dragons as they reclaimed the Iron Islands. What could possibly go wrong ?
Original; www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/2016/06/06/game-of-thrones-what-happened-to-the-hound-season-6-the-broken-m/
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